this friday started with the usual badminton practice with my roomate. Even though we didnt play that well in most of the games, we ended up winning. But i know for sure that we gotto play better, once the tournament starts otherwise we would be found wanting.i was invited for dinner that night to a tamil family house and i ended up watching a good movie pirates of the caribbean sea.
My friends had rented the xbox video game and i found out that i sucked in these video games..or in other words my friends were probably very good...
Next day we had this big potluck among several friends and i had a make a sambhar which i call it as "hotel sambhar" . I love this sambhar as this time when i went to india, i invariably had either idli/vada with sambhar no matter which resaturant we went. The sambhar i made was very good or atleast thats what i felt and it was very close to the taste that i was used to eating. All my friends dishes were extremely good and we had one ball of a time that nite. Later we played some cards and got involved in some fun activities. It was a probably a better weekend that i originally thought would be.
In the meanwhile, the weather god has smiled and i guess the last week of winter went past us.