My Reflection

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Does true sportsmanship exist anymore???

Everyday in the press all around the world, we hear stories of cheating,manipulation of the rules, steroids,match fixing and what not on all form of the games...Obviously they are violating true sportsmanship...

what else is violating true spirit??

Here is a story in a women's softball game that happened recently that surprised me a little bit...

It was obviously a great gesture for the opponents to carry her, especially after the home run was hit...

I would be curious if that would have happened in a real competitive game where lot of other factors are involved...
To me, its(sportsmanship) just about playing by the rules (as one of the readers comments accurately describes it), appreciating your opponents, if they got the better of you and moving on.....

what are your thoughts and what else do you think show true spirit???


Blogger Brown said...

I don't care much for sportsmanship in opponents, but a certain teammate today verifying the intersection of the shuttle birdie's trajectory with your upper coordinates, personified the spirit of ksu badminton...

8:59 PM  

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