My Reflection

Monday, July 24, 2006

Apprentice and Mr Trump

Apprentice is a reality TV show where some of the top successful people of various fields compete with each other and vie for a spot to work with one of my most admired businessman Mr Donald Trump. It is one of my favorite shows on television.
Lots of people I know are not fond of him because of his debonair,extravagant and cocky attitude. But i like him for his aggressive style, arrogant comments and some weird but clever business decision making skills. He pulled one of the most remarkable turnarounds in history from almost bankruptcy to a billionaire.I would term him as one of those rash, arrogant genius and lives a priveleged life that we can only dream of.
The competitors in the program are really rich and talented and hence,their personalities clash and intervenes with the task that they are suppose to accomplish. Some of the arguments they have would be so kiddish, that you would wonder how these people became so successful. Well thats just human nature..:)
The most intriguing part of the show for me is the final 15-20 mins which is known as "Boardroom" where one member of the losing team get evicted.In the boardroom they are face to face with Mr Trump and must prove their mettle in that iota of time.Some of the conversation they have are scintillating,tense,nervewracking or whatever you may call accusing each other and defending themselves.It does get ugly sometimes as not often people can keep their cool.Eventually the person who is unable to defend well loses and hears the catch phrase "You are Fired" from Trump.
I just love this show for the people involved, their vocular fluency under pressure and ofcourse the boardroom.


Blogger Anu Russell said...


but you should realize that most of the show is pre-choreographed..

1:07 PM  

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